Attorney Appraisal Services When you need a real estate appraiser for a legal action, demand an MAI designated appraiser. Quality education, well-established methodology, proven experience and commitment to a strict ethics and standards describe the MAI and · Divorce · Probate · Corporate real estate valuations · Property tax appeal · Bankruptcy · Property Disputes Divorce - Property Settlement The most common appraisal requests from the legal community are appraisals for divorce property settlement. Our firm completes a steady volume of appraisals for Divorce proceedings and settlement for several reasons. The client can request the real estate be inspected and appraised by an MAI appraiser. The client can request a detailed review of our staff appraisers field work with a reduced appraisal fee. This gives your client cost flexibility depending on the complexity of the assignment and real estate appraised. will not propose an expensive report format if its not necessary for the particular assignment. For instance, the courts do not require an expensive narrative appraisal for a simple single-family dwelling or common residential apartment building. Both these residential properties can be completed on standard industry appraisal forms and addenda. Some firms will push the client into believing only a thick narrative appraisal can be used for legal or court of law. recommends narrative reports only when the assignment suggests that type of report is needed or its requested by the client. In our opinion, narrative appraisals for simple residential dwellings are usually overkill and much costlier for the client. Partnership Dissolutions Appraisals for partnership dissolutions are similar to assignments for martial and asset distribution or property buy-out. Partnership dissolutions usually include commercial property assets or a mix of residential and commercial real estate. These assignments can involve anywhere from one real estate property to a large portfolio. Litigation Support is owned and managed by an MAI designated appraiser. Expert Witness Bail Bonds often accommodates super rush appraisal requests from private property owners or attorneys that have a relative or client in jail and are set bail. These assignments as would be expected usually need to be turned around relatively fast. We always try to accommodate requests if at all possible or refer the client to an associate appraiser that can provide the fast turnaround needed. |